First, I'm there as an editor, recruiting new talent for future books, meeting with current authors, and generally assessing the scene from a author/reader/editor point of view. Luckily there are a few of us, so we get to divide the wealth. I had some excellent meetings this year, and I'm excited about what may come from them. It was great to catch up with Sherry Serafini and Amy Katz, who together with Paulette Baron have an exciting project coming up in 2011. I worked with Sherry a few years ago as editor for her book, The Art of Bead Embroidery. I'll never look at a seed bead the same way again! I also had a chance to visit with the delightful Patti Kimle, and collect the first batch of finished work for her book that I'll begin working on any day now.
My second role was as author, and I was able to promote Mostly Metals a few times. Cathy Jakicic, Brenda Schweder & I banded together at Meet the Teachers to sell and sign books and show off a few projects in person. What a fun night. I don't think I stopped talking from 7pm til almost midnight. Thanks to all of you who stopped by! I also led a demo on Saturday on the show floor, making loops and chatting about beading tips and shortcuts.
I was also lucky to attend the show as a student this year, and took a two day workshop with Kim St. Jean. It was a great class. I learned about soldering -- I've always been a cold-connections gal -- but I think I'm hooked on the heat. There's nothing as satisfying and luxurious as turning yourself over to the creative process for hours on end. My worries vanished, my energy was renewed, and each 8 hour session was over in a flash. Here's my bracelet and earrings:

And the heart detail, which has to count for today's I heart Monday entry:

My third role is as shopper. I didn't buy nearly as much as I'd like to this year, due to a tight budget and a lot already invested in my next book. I had a very specific shopping list, and it was kind of like looking for a needle in a haystack. I much prefer to drift and buy what strikes my fancy instead of hunting down specific items. That'll have to wait for next year.
I think one of the most remarkable aspects of the show is how everyone is so happy, so eager to share, and so supportive. There's a great family-like feeling in the atmosphere. And serendipitous meetings -- where else do you shout out to friends riding down the giant escalator as you're riding up ... or reconnect in the sky walk ... or the ladies' room? I had the added layer of meeting internet friends this year -- people you feel as if you've known for years but have never met.
I'll try to post later this week with specific links and some of my new favorite things. How about you? What did you buy?
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