This is a busy time of year with kids scheduling, tons of homework to oversee, permission slips to remember, reeds to buy, doctor appointments, dentist appointments, etc. etc. I haven't been posting much because I haven't been crafting much.
For a quick and easy jewelry project, try a charm bracelet. This cute charm is from Pennymichelle.com. I've never ordered from them, but I thought this image really summed up my mood.
The easiest way to make a charm bracelet is to buy a chain with the clasp already attached, and then add your charms with jump rings.
If you're feeling a little more ambitious, pick your chain, add your own clasp, and then intersperse purchased charms with some you make yourself. Here's one I made during my book signing and jewelry demonstration at A. C. Moore:

Hi Karin, love this charm bracelet! Fascinating mix of charms here :)
at Rings & Things
(rings_things on Twitter)