Why has it taken so long? First, I was a little hung up on the construction. Do I distress things more, or work just in the front where the problem is? Second, I was fretting over the perfect fabric to add. It needed to be subtle, but pretty. Should I add it all around, or just where the repair is needed? And then, I had to think about how I would wear the skirt. Denim is great as a neutral. If I added too much pattern and flash, I would change what I love about this skirt. Third, altering to fix a problem area needs to solve the problem: My alteration needs to relieve the stress on that seam so it doesn't happen again. Finally, I had to make sure the skirt still fit after four years (it does, yea!) So, I've been mulling it over and I finally have a plan (I think). I can't get to work until this afternoon, because I have a bazillion chores and errands to get done first. But I'm motivated, so I'll post a little later on my work in progress.
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