Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My mom

Here is my lovely mother in her 10-10 necklace. We had a fun visit!


  1. I know this lady! Your mom is a wonderful quilt artist! It is not hard to see where you get your drive and artistic flare from! Your mom and I have had fun times on creative day trips. Your mom rocks!

  2. Your mom looks great! Email me sometime as my computer crashed and I lost all data - including my address book! It's fun to keep up with you (albeit one sidedly) through your blog.

  3. Oops! Last message showed up as from Anna. Will I ever really figure this out?

  4. She hasn't changed a bit! She looks great! Nice necklace too.

    Laughing at Susan's Anna message ... no wonder she never comments on my blog!

  5. Thanks, everyone. Hopefully I will age as gracefully! Susan, I'm happy to channel your thoughts through Anna -- I would have been surprised if she was reading and commenting on my blog! It's good to hear from you.
